The independence of the cultural sector and the media in Europe

The independence of the cultural sector and the media in Europe

At a time of massive takeovers in the cultural and media sectors and questions about the ideological intrusion of these buyers, the polysemy of the term independence makes it difficult to take a clear and complex stance. Whether economic or intellectual independence, practical or systemic dependence, the inner workings of what constitutes the independent cultural and media sector seem inaccessible and incomprehensible. We are Europe examines these realities within three specific and exemplary sectors: cinema, media, and music, between dependence, independence and interdependence.

In partnership with Reset! network.


  • Julien Gathy (Magma | BE) - online
    Julien Gathy is co-founder of Magma, a Brussels-based collective, label and management agency with which he promotes artists from a wide spectrum of alternative music. 
  • Yauheni Kryzhanouski (OPC) - en plateau
    Yauheni Kryzhanouski is a searcher and Political Science professor. He also works for the Observatory of Cultural Policies, a national independent agency focused on cultural policy issues.
  • Vesna Milosavljevic (SEEcult | Serbie) - online
    Vesna Milosavljević is editor and director of the portal for South-East European culture. 
  • Monica Sebestyen (Cinema Arta, RO) - online
    Monica Sebestyen is the director of Cinema Arta, a historic independent cinema and cultural venue in Cluj, Romania. 


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