What do we learn from science about happiness at work ?

Les Journées du Bonheur au travail

What do we learn from science about happiness at work ?

When science and companies work together for a satisfying professional daily life.

from 2.30 pm to 4 pm - round-table debate

Organized and animated by la Fabrique Spinoza.

With the neuroscientist Jacques Fradin, the researcher of Positive Psychology Charles Martin-Krumm, Marie Holm, Teacher-researcher at Mindfulness and the leader of la Fabrique Spinoza, Alexandre Jost.

from 4 pm to 4.30 pm - Meet the speakers

Other events part of the « Happiness at work » festival

Flash débat

Flash débat

Les Journées du Bonheur au travail

Sat 02.14.2015 at 6:30 pm

Happiness at work in the media ?

Happiness at work in the media ?

Les Journées du Bonheur au travail

Sat 02.14.2015 at 4:30 pm

Zapping "Happiness at work"

Zapping "Happiness at work"

Les Journées du Bonheur au travail

Sat 02.14.2015 at 4:30 pm

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