Wake up on Mars

Interdisciplinary seminar dedicated to the cultural scene of the Western Balkans

Wake up on Mars

Pendant deux jours, le monde de l'art et de la recherche se réunit pour réfléchir aux enjeux sociaux, politiques et environnementaux des Balkans d'aujourd'hui.

On June 30 and July 1, 2023, an interdisciplinary seminar will be held at the Gaîté Lyrique (Paris). It is the initiative of four institutions based in France and in the Western Balkans: the École Nationale Supérieure d'Arts de Paris‒ Cergy (ENSAPC), Art Explora―Paris, the Museum of Contemporary Art of Skopje (MoCA) and Oral History Initiative (OHI)―Pristina. This seminar is the first chapter of the European program Culture.EUBalkans (2022―2024) whose aim is to encourage the circulation of artists, researchers and cultural actors between the Western Balkans and the European Union and to promote the dissemination of their practices and their researches. It receives the support of The Creative Europe program.

Full program